Thursday, August 11, 2011

Agnosticism in The Church Today

     This is one of the most enlightening books I have read on the dangers of
     Religious groups who veer from the Word of God for their own views
     of self importance and superiority, to the exclusion of all others.
     The link above is the index page which lists the book by chapter and is available
     for reading by clicking on each of the 10 chapters.     


     By Travers and Jewel van der Merwe
           Dedication and Foreword
·         Chapter 1: Strange Fire
·         Chapter 2: Gnosticism
·         Chapter 3: A Gnostic Gospel ?
·         Chapter 4: The Supernatural
·         Chapter 5: The "Elite" Concept
·         Chapter 6: The Mystic "Link"
·         Chapter 7: Spirituality
·         Chapter 8: The Exaltation of Man
·         Chapter 9: False Prophets      
·         Chapter 10: Neo-Gnosticism
Are we to sit by and let these strange teachings develop without a word? Must we just ignore what is happening and smile passively in agreement without a protest?

A popular evangelist will stand before a congregation and ask, "how many here have read my books?" As hands go up, the evangelist will nod his approval and continue. He will give a Scripture text, but does not refer to it again. Instead he will quip out phrases that are met with cheering and clapping from an adoring audience. Before long it sounds like a pep rally with enthusiasts ready to jump on whatever bandwagon is presented with no thought to what has even been said.

Another insight about Strange Fire, as referred to in the bible, is offered by Ray C. Stedman found at

Within the movement were many children of God who remained true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, there were those that started out well, but along the way were influenced by "strange" fires that have brought the church to accepting so many different teachings today.

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