Friday, July 29, 2011

The American Dream

If you have ever wondered where the national debt originated from this will be enlightening:

It’s amazing to me that many Americans are willing to toss away many values they were taught from their youth.  Most learned from their parents that hard work, honesty, caring for others, along with biblical teachings, would be the tools for a better future.  Somehow these teachings have been watered down, twisted, and morphed into an entirely different picture of “The American Dream”.

Today’s American Dream is winning at all costs.  School sports are a fast track to public acceptance and have replaced education as the most attractive aspect of our public school system.  Studying for mandatory testing has replaced a normal curriculum and has become a full-time task for school teachers. Parents are no longer able to discipline their children; however, they assume the blame for problems or issues that arise.

Caring for your neighbor or fellow Americans is now labeled as “weakness”.  In some churches the “prosperity gospel” has taken the place of the word of God.  Another sermon common today is the notion that if you’re ill, you’re not living a good Christian life.  The mega church and your neighborhood church have become social organizations or political platforms for planting seeds of personal fortune and gain.  It’s all too common today to see newspaper or television commercials inviting the public to an investment seminar or to a political rally for a local, state, or federal political candidate. 

I miss the old church congregations and the dedicated preaches and pastors who didn’t have political aspirations.  Every morning would find my pastor visiting patients in the local hospital.  His political involvement was getting on his knees for a close talk with God.  Sure, we had members of the congregation and parishioners who came to church to socialize and maybe, perhaps even share some gossip, but they were the first to bring over a hot dish if someone lost a member of their family or had an illness in the family.

A prosperous America is a good thing; however, the way you arrive at a healthy government and economy isn’t by stacking the deck so that the wealthiest and most powerful can make all the rules.  Our country is supposed to be committed to liberty and justice for “All”.

Once all the political leaders work together for the welfare of all the American people, then maybe God will bless our nation again.

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